Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Pro 7.2.1

Your Computer Just Learned How to Add

Connectify Dispatch is an easy-to-use software load balancer that lets you use from all your computer’s Internet connections at the same time. Got Wi-Fi AND 4G? Two Wi-Fi adapters? Ethernet AND 3G? Connectify Dispatch will work with any and all of these technologies to increase your bandwidth.
Torrential torrents. Whirlwind web. 

Torrential Torrents, Whirlwind Web

Connectify Dispatch is particularly well-suited for activities that involve downloading multiple files such as BitTorrent and web browsing. While a single large stream like Netflix can’t be split across multiple Internet connections with Connectify Dispatch, it will be assigned to the fastest one while other requests will be intelligently routed to other connections.
Dispatch bits, not dollars.

Use Data, not Dollars

With Connectify Dispatch's metered connections you can avoid costly overages by assigning bandwidth caps to your expensive 3G and 4G connections. Additionally, by setting their Priority level to Backup, Connectify Dispatch will only route traffic through them if your Primary connections fail. Fast, smart, AND frugal.

 Connectify Hotspot Pro + Dispatch Pro {AmanPC}.zip - 7.8 MB


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